God Is with You
Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished. —1 Chronicles 28:20 (ESV)
Have you felt abandoned by someone close to you? Does someone you see all the time not know how to be present with you? Have you felt alone for so long that you are certain no one really cares? God wants you to know that you are never alone; He sees every tear, He hears every cry, and He is with you always. If you do not feel close to God right now, chances are that God didn’t move away from you but that you put separation between yourself and God. God wants your whole identity enwrapped in the fact that He is always with you. He is always watching you, and you have a calling on your life. You have a ministry that God wants you to grasp and own. He has a tender place in life where He wants you to flourish. It’s key you know that your identity in Christ is covered with a sovereign plan, and God’s plans get accomplished. He can use you in His plan, or if you turn and walk away, He can find someone else courageous enough to take His hand, go where He leads, and take action according to His Word.
Can you be certain that your identity in Christ is covered by a love so strong that you cannot be separated from His love? Things you do may put a sinful wedge between you and God, but God is always watching His children, regardless of how stupid we act. God is gracious when we are not graceful. God is kind when we are bitter. God is love in a world filled with hate. God is not finished with you until the day He brings you home to Him in heaven. Your identity in Christ is one of boldness. Lean into Him, display your faith in His goodness, and give Him glory every day by speaking His truth into your fear.